Ultra–hygienic and strict standards of sterilization are maintained.
- The medical instruments used to treat is disposable and we completely sterilize the usable medical equipment.
- All doctors wear disposable masks and gloves when treating patients. After contact with each patient, the gloves are removed and discarded.
- All suction tips, patient drapes, water glasses, headrest covers are disposed of and replaced between patients.
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Examining Room
Between each patient, the treatment rooms are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. After a thorough clean up, a disinfectant is sprayed on all surfaces.
Sterilization of Dental Instruments
Needles used for local anesthesia are single use & disposable. The reusable instruments are cleaned treated with special sterilizing liquids. Then, they are packaged and heat sterilized in a large, pressurized oven – Autoclave. This ensures complete freedom from all bacteria, viruses and even spores (which are tougher microorganisms that resist simple cleaning procedures). We test our sterilization units frequently to make sure that they are working properly.
Please feel free to contact our office if you have any further questions or concerns.