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Title Root Canal Treatment

Once the cavity becomes so deep that pulp/nerve of a tooth has become infected, we have limited choices.

The problem with delaying treatment is that an infected tooth will never heal on its own leading to infection of jawbone. The pain may become excruciating. It could emerge as a huge swelling in your face/ neck which disfiguring, painful and sometimes even life threatening.

Root treatment involves the removal of the nerve from the tooth by drilling a hole in the top surface of the tooth. The root is cleaned out with disinfectants and fine instruments. The root canal is then dried and a filling placed inside the complete root of the tooth.

What does root canal treatment achieve?

The treatment cleans the inside of the tooth and removes any bacteria or dead pulp tissue. The root filling prevents bacteria re-infecting the tooth and causing toothache.  This is followed by a crown; which helps the tooth to start chewing & be functional again.

Length of Treatment

Root canal treatment can be done in one or multiple sessions depending on the situation. An uncomplicated root canal treatment often can be completed in one session. Some teeth may be more time consuming to treat because of infection and also because of their location in the mouth.

Express Root Canal Treatment

In our clinic latest digital tools like the digital X-ray system to hasten the process; and rotary instruments- Anthogyr: reduction gear handpiece with greater taper instruments for performing root canal treatment.

Advantage of root canal treatment

Root canal procedure is successful over 92 percent of the time. The biggest advantage is that the tooth will not need to be extracted in the near future.