Phone: 011-46124745 | 011-42466940, Mobile: +91-9810054111
Title Children’s Teeth
Children’s milk teeth start to erupt at around 6-8 months of age. Decay and infection in the milk teeth can spread to the forming permanent teeth underneath. Hence, it is important that your child has a good diet and the sugar intake is controlled. The permanent teeth start erupting in the mouth at around 5-6 years of age. From this point it is even more important to ensure that your child has good oral health.
We, at our clinic emphasize on “prevention” of disease, rather than “correction”.
Preventive services we offer for children:
- Fissure Sealants
Decay usually starts on the top surfaces of the back teeth, at the base of the fissure. A good prevention measure is to seal these fissures with a special material called a ‘Fissure Sealant’. No drilling of the tooth is required as the sealant is just painted on then set with a special light.
- Fluoride Treatment
Teeth are coated with fluoride gels which makes them strong and less prone for decay. This is one of the best ways to prevent future cavities.
- Space Maintainers
In cases where the child loses his milk tooth before the permanent is ready for eruption, special appliances called space maintainers can be to given to preserve the space for the permanent teeth to erupt in their normal positions.
- Habit Breaking Appliances
Children who have abnormal habits like prolonged thumb sucking, lip sucking, nail biting, mouth breathing require special care. These habits can have detrimental effect on the normal development of teeth and subsequently the smile and face. Special appliances are therefore given to correct/ stop these habits.